Voted most helpful review
Reviewed on December 7, 2002
It's COLD here in Colo., and I've only had the bike 2 weeks, but I've managed to put 1500 miles on it so far. Here's my somewhat biased opinion: The good-You can't say this thing is "sewing machine" smooth, 'cuz there aint no clothes-maker on the planet as smooth as this bike. The fuel injection...
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It's COLD here in Colo., and I've only had the bike 2 weeks, but I've managed to put 1500 miles on it so far. Here's my somewhat biased opinion: The good-You can't say this thing is "sewing machine" smooth, 'cuz there aint no clothes-maker on the planet as smooth as this bike. The fuel injection is flawless, no off idle stumbles and no surging on deceleration. For someone used to carb's it's downright eerie. What I originally thought was just a gimmick, the electric windshield, actually works! It allows me to ride in much colder weather than I could on one of my other scoots. And unbelievably, the mirrors keep most of the windblast from your hands! Handling? Amazing! The perfect test was a trip in the hills with the wife along I-70. Lots of fast,smooth sweepers. I slowly wicked it up to over 105, and when we finally stopped asked the wife how fast she thought we were going. "75". Ha! Clueless! Just goes to show ya... The bad-Two things...As soon as Genmar make's 'em the first thing I'm putting on this bike are bar risers. you're more upright on this bike than a racerep, naturally, but it still put's a little weight on the wrists. Mine are bad anyway, so other's may not have this problem. Second, the lower part of the fairing behing the front wheel is not going to stay painted for long-the tire throws everything right at it. haven't figured out what to do about that yet.... Anyway, that's my looong two cents. If your thinking about buying one, get in line. It's worth the wait.
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