Well, I'm a new (2 weeks) owner of a Honda Metropolitan I. I was looking for an environmentally responsible way to get to work. I wanted to extend the life of my 1985 Honda Accord a few more years so I wanted something to ride in non rainy weather. Unlike many folks who I have seen review the...
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Well, I'm a new (2 weeks) owner of a Honda Metropolitan I. I was looking for an environmentally responsible way to get to work. I wanted to extend the life of my 1985 Honda Accord a few more years so I wanted something to ride in non rainy weather. Unlike many folks who I have seen review the Metro, I live in a hilly area and was concerned about how it would do going up my hill to home. I'm also almost 6' 4" tall(long torso though) so I was concerned about how I would fit. So far everything has worked out fine. Top speed on flat is about 38-40 mph as advertized. On a reasonable hill, it slows down to about 25-28 mph. Even though it is a little small for me (knees interfere with the handlebar on tight turns), it is not a big problem. Mileage looks like it will be in the 100 mpg range. In Virginia, the Metro I needs a motorcycle license. Some dealers will try to tell you otherwise, but if you don't have a licence you are breaking the law. (Moped is 50cc or less, and less than 30 mph, and less than 2 bhp; everything else is a motorcycle) I'd say the majority of dealers don't carry the Metro I because it is not moped compliant and hence they figure you won't want to go to all the trouble of getting a license to only go 38 mph. The Metro is really quiet and has excellent acceleration going from 0-20 mph so I don't have any trouble keeping up with traffic around town. The underseat storage is great. I'm now the official person in the family to pickup small stuff from our local Wal-Mart and Food Lion. I just wait for the call of "ScooterMan" and I'm on may way for a speedy pickup and delivery.
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