After years of riding Japanese sports-tourers, I felt like a change and bought a Sportster 1200. Very enjoyable, but instantly had me wishing I had held out for a Big Twin. After much research, I decided that a Softail Night Train was the way to go. I am not ashamed to admit that the looks of the...
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After years of riding Japanese sports-tourers, I felt like a change and bought a Sportster 1200. Very enjoyable, but instantly had me wishing I had held out for a Big Twin. After much research, I decided that a Softail Night Train was the way to go. I am not ashamed to admit that the looks of the thing had much to do with the choice. I also wanted the simplicity, sound and character 1340 EVO engine, and like to do my own maintenance.
For three years now, I have owned a 1999 'bike, and I could not be happier.
Like all relationships, everything is not perfect. The 'bike is pretty slow, the brakes are adequate and the HD suspension (progressive shocks and fork springs are on my Christmas list) is just about acceptable, BUT....
After 21 years, the 'bike is showing few signs of age, a testament to the impressive original build quality.
The feel of this bike, the way it feeds back to you on any ride, and the easy beat of the low tech EVO engine is a triumph of simplicity over technology. The riding position reminds you that you are there for the pleasure of the experience, and along with those incredible looks, well, I cannot imagine changing the bike anytime soon.
If you want a motorcycle with an almost "vintage", visceral appeal that has you glancing back over your shoulder each time you have to walk away from it, then this is the sort of thing you need in your life. Newer Harleys are faster, smoother and far more complex, but for this very satisfied owner, less is definitely more.
Be safe out there.
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